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Museveni fires embattled Trade Ministry PS Ssali

July 26, 2024 5:23 pmMuseveni fires embattled Trade Ministry PS Ssali

President Museveni has fired the troubled Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Permanent Secretary (PS) Geraldine Ssali Busuulwa, replacing her with Alex Kakooza.

Ssali was arrested and charged on July 18th 2024 before the Anti-Corruption Court over allegations of causing financial loss and conspiring with Members of Parliament to steal ash meant for war loss compensation through fictitious co-operatives.

In a telephone Interview with KFM, Lucy Nakyobe, the Secretary to Cabinet confirms that the appointment in care taker position, of Kakooza, who is currently the Principal Private Secretary to the Vice President.

“Because the ministry had an emergency, cannot stop, we had to appoint someone to care take that position and for now he is still a care taker”, Nakyobe said.

Kakooza, served as Permanent Secretary in the ministry of Education and Sports until July 2021 when he was transferred to the President’s Office.


Ministry of finance needs 4.1b to tackle climate change

July 26, 2024 3:38 pmMinistry of finance needs 4.1b to tackle climate change

The Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development needs to mobilize resources to the tune of 4.1 billion dollars every year to tackle the effects of climate change in the country.

Officials at the ministry explain that climate change is the biggest single challenge to not just the environment and human life, but the economy generally, hence the need to give it a priority when allocating financial resources.

Uganda needs up to 28.1 billion dollars to finance climate mitigation measures according to its Nationally Determined Contribution, a commitment it made in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement, for the period of seven years, 2023-2030.

Denis Mugagga, the head of the Climate Finance Unit at the Ministry of Finance, tells media that resources are expected to be obtained from both domestic and external sources, through grants, loans, or both.

Mugagga added that the government is to partner with the World Bank to secure more financial support from the International Monetary Fund to address the effects of climate change.


President Museveni pays respect to late Aleper at the party secretariat

July 26, 2024 2:53 pmPresident Museveni pays respect to late Aleper at the party secretariat

The Ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) Central Executive Committee (CEC) has this afternoon honored the late Hon. Simon Peter Aleper with a special sitting at the NRM secretariat in Kampala with President Museveni the Chief Mourner.

The late Aleper was the NRM Vice Chairperson for Karamoja and former MP for Moroto Municipality who died in a road crash at the beginning of this week along Tirinyi Pallissa road when was on his way to attend a CEC meeting in Kampala.

The NRM party members will today pay tribute to the fallen Vice Chairperson for Karamoja, Hon Simon Peter Aleper at the Party Headquarters along Kyadondo Road, Nakasero in Kampala.

In the evening, Aleper’s body will return to his Kampala residence in Mutungo, Nakawa Division and tomorrow Saturday, July 27, the casket will be airlifted to Moroto for the Karamoja regional council sitting to pay tribute at 2 pm at Moroto-Boma grounds.

On Sunday, July 28, there will be a requiem service at the Church of Uganda Cathedral, Moroto at mid-day and a requiem mass on Monday at Napak Church of Uganda.

The remains of late Simon Peter Aleper will later be laid to rest on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, at his ancestral home in Kangole, Napak district.



Traders speak out on anti-corruption protests

July 26, 2024 2:44 pmTraders speak out on anti-corruption protests

Traders under Kampala City Traders Association (KACITA) have implored government to hold constructive engagements through dialogue with the youth who have decided to take on the streets because of the numerous allegations of corruption especially in government institutions including Parliament.

Since Tuesday, security agencies have been taking on sections of youth in peaceful demonstrations dubbed “Match to Parliament” calling for the resignation of the Speaker Anita Among other demands.

In an interview with KFM, Thadeus Musoke, the KACITA chairperson says it is prudent to use a more meaningful modes of communication than causing chaos.

“As KACITA we were contacted by different people to come on board with the ongoing peaceful demonstration to march to Parliament, but because of the ongoing engagement with the government we decided to come out with a neutral position from arguing positive dialogue”, Musoke said.

West Nile to be connected to national grid next week

July 26, 2024 1:27 pmWest Nile to be connected to national grid next week

President Museveni is next week expected to head to West Nile to officiate the connection of sub region to the National Grid.

This follows the successful completion of the construction of Kole- Gulu- Nebbi- Arua Transmission line that will facilitate the connection.

The 132kv power line works was contracted to KEC International Ltd with other associated lines, whereas Avic International Holdings Corporation was contracted to build the four substations at the cost of $18.177 million.

Energy minister Ruth Nankabirwa explains what this development means to the region.

“It will happen in the third of august, the president will be in West Nile to do so, and the people of West Nile will be connected to the national grid and this is what I promised them”, she said.

On Wednesday, the Minister together with her finance counterpart Matia Kasaija, approved the Corporate Strategic Plan (CSP) of the Uganda Electricity Transmission Company (UETCL) for the period 2024-2029 and the Grid Development Plan (GDP) 2023-2024 after review by the different shareholders.

These plans directly align with the NDP III, the Energy Policy and Vision 2040.



Strengthen enforcement of laws against drug abuse, government urged

July 26, 2024 9:49 amStrengthen enforcement of laws against drug abuse, government urged

School administrators have implored government to enforce the existing laws against drug abuse to safeguard children.

The call comes amidst reports of increasing drug abuse among school children of various ages.

Fr Charles Mpiima, the Chaplain, St Joseph’s Technical Institute Kisubi says many people involving children in drug abuse are known but no action is taken against them by the relevant authorities.

Fr. Mpiima was last evening speaking during the 3rd national prefects’ conference that attracted prefects from schools in Buganda region, heads of government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), as well as security agencies in Kampala.

In August last year, Parliament passed the Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Bill, 2023 which allows the licensed farming and use of marijuana strictly for medical use, and sets harsh penalties for a multitude of offences related to substances abuse.