By Damali Mukhaye.
Workers in the formal sector have vowed to block the new National Health Insurance scheme bill that was approved by cabinet on Monday.
According to the bill, an employee is supposed to contribute 4 per cent of his monthly salary towards the scheme, while the employer is slated to be contribute 1 per cent, making 5 per cent.
The National Organization of Trade Unions chairman General Usher Wilson Owere tells KFM that it is unfair to add another tax burden on employees who are already paying pay as you earn, local service tax and NSSF.
He said that they are going to work tooth and nail to block this bill once it is tabled before parliament and push it to at least 2 per cent.
Meanwhile, the Member of Parliament representing workers in Sam Lyomoki says that they are going to harmonize and shift the burden of paying 4% to the employers’ side.